Source code for windtalker.asymmetric

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2021年还在由活跃的社区维护的rsa扩展有 ``cryptography`` 和 ``rsa``. cryp 集合了非常
多主流的加密算法, 并且都做了非常多的安全和性能优化(C语言实现). 而 rsa 是纯 Python
实现, 安装非常方便, 使用起来也较为简单. 所以本模块最后决定基于 rsa 进行开发.

import typing as T

import rsa

from .cipher import BaseCipher

    "Asymmetric Encryption is for safely transfer secret key only! "
    "It is not suitable for file encryption!"

[docs]class AsymmetricCipher(BaseCipher): """ A asymmetric encryption algorithm utility class helps you easily encrypt/decrypt text and files. :param my_pubkey: your public key :param my_privkey: your private key :param his_pubkey: other's public key you use to encrypt message **中文文档** 非对称加密器. 主要用于加密少量信息. 通常用于安全地交换秘钥, 然后用该秘钥作为对称加密 的钥匙对大量数据进行加密. """ # key length/max length msg, 512/53, 1024/117, 2045/245 _encrypt_chunk_size = 53 _decrypt_chunk_size = 53 def __init__( self, my_pubkey, my_privkey, his_pubkey, ): self.my_pubkey = my_pubkey self.my_privkey = my_privkey self.his_pubkey = his_pubkey self.sign = None self.password = None
[docs] @staticmethod def new_keys(nbits=1024): """ Create a new pair of public and private key pair to use. """ public_key, private_key = rsa.newkeys(nbits, poolsize=1) return public_key, private_key
newkeys = new_keys # for backward compatibility
[docs] def encrypt( self, binary: bytes, use_sign: bool = True, sign_method: str = "SHA-256", *args, **kwargs, ) -> bytes: """ Encrypt binary data. :param sing_method: one of 'MD5', 'SHA-1', 'SHA-224', SHA-256', 'SHA-384' or 'SHA-512' **中文文档** - 发送消息时只需要对方的 public_key - 如需使用签名, 则双方都需要持有对方的 public_key """ token = rsa.encrypt(binary, self.his_pubkey) # encrypt it if use_sign: self.sign = rsa.sign(binary, self.my_privkey, sign_method) # sign it return token
[docs] def decrypt( self, token: bytes, signature: T.Optional[bytes] = None, *args, **kwargs, ) -> bytes: """ Decrypt binary data. **中文文档** - 接收消息时只需要自己的 private_key - 如需使用签名, 则双方都需要持有对方的 public_key """ binary = rsa.decrypt(token, self.my_privkey) if signature: rsa.verify(binary, signature, self.his_pubkey) return binary
[docs] def encrypt_file(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def decrypt_file(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def encrypt_dir(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def decrypt_dir(self, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError(ERROR_MESSAGE)